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How Hotel Marketing Automation Helps Re-engage Inactive Guests

Marketing Automation 3 Minutes
One of the most important key figures for a hotel is the occupancy rate. If it falls below a certain level, it can be dangerous for the business to continue. Once a guest has decided on a vacation destination and a hotel, and is satisfied with his or her stay, the likelihood increases that he or she will want to return. But the fact is, it makes sense to remind both regular and new guests of their positive experiences. After all, inactive guests represent untapped revenue potential that needs to be tapped.

But how can this be done? What hotelier or marketer sits down for hours to manually create lists, analyze them, and then invent, execute, and implement extensive marketing efforts? The good news is: you don't even have to do this work manually. Hotel Marketing Automation is the name of the game, and it takes hotel marketing to an unprecedented level of sophistication and automation.

How can automated hotel marketing help drive revenue?

The first step is to define when a guest is actually considered inactive. In other words, how many bookings should they have made in a given period of time to be considered active? These two factors are mutually exclusive, and it will quickly become clear which guests need to be reactivated. Now that you know exactly who you need to target, the next step is to put your marketing efforts into action. This includes automated mailings that are precisely tailored to the defined audience. Thanks to marketing automation software such as ADDITIVE+ MARKETING AUTOMATION, this can be done easily and without effort.

The benefits of such campaigns are obvious: once a hotel has acquired a guest and provided good service during their stay, the effort required to get them back is significantly less than the effort required to acquire new customers. See also the article "Why the Returning Guest Deserves More Marketing Attention". All you need to do is remind them of their last good experience - preferably with a tangible incentive. Through a variety of touch points, such as hotel newsletters, SEA marketing, and organic and paid social media marketing, the likelihood of successful guest reactivation increases.

Incentives are the key to success

The days of simply encouraging guests to re-book are long gone. Turning an inactive guest into a reactivated guest requires concrete incentives. These should vary depending on the status of the guest. Automated hotel marketing software takes care of the right mailings with appropriate vouchers to the guests. This ensures that when the guest thinks of their vacation, they automatically associate it with the hotel and their positive experience. While a voucher may be enough for one guest, another may need a free upgrade to a higher room category or additional goodies for their next stay. Still others need an idea of why they should go on vacation in the first place - so how about delivering ideas directly to the guest via email? "Invitation to a week of hiking with the boss"?

Why Hotel Marketing Automation from ADDITIVE?

ADDITIVE specializes in online hotel marketing and marketing automation for hotels. Extensive know-how and many years of experience guarantee exactly what hotels need today in the area of marketing and remarketing: planning security and a calculable occupancy rate. This is the only way to run a profitable hotel business. With ADDITIVE, hotels not only benefit from increased awareness, but also from a significant increase in reach, occupancy and revenue. Automated hotel marketing not only helps to attract more new guests, but more importantly, it helps to create loyal and satisfied repeat guests from guests who book multiple times and repeatedly include your hotel in their vacation plans.

For more information on how to start using marketing automation in your hotel, please contact us: