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Social Media Trends 2024: Half-Year Summary for Hotels

Online Marketing 12 Minutes
Social media offers a wide range of opportunities for hotels to get in touch with new and existing guests and actively involve them in hotel activities. Platforms like Facebook, Instagram and others therefore become an important tool in guest communication, from which hotels can benefit strongly in their own marketing strategy. However, the dynamic nature of social media platforms requires constant adaption: There are almost daily changes and innovations that need to be implemented in everyday hotel life.

Keeping up with the rapid pace of social media developments requires not only time and effort, but also in-depth knowledge, and the question arises which new functions and trends are really relevant and which remain merely short-term phenomena. 

Maintaining an overview and simultaneously building an authentic presence of the own hotel brand is a constant balancing act. There were also significant changes on social media platforms in the first six months of 2024. These relate to both content production and the content of the postings themselves.

Following, we provide an overview of the most important social media trends, that have had a high resonance in the first half of 2024 and will continue to be important in the second half of the year.

The First Six Months of 2024: Social Media Trends Hotels Should Know

1. Which Platforms Play a Role in 2024?

The Classics:

  • Besides organic social media posts, social media advertising (SMA) plays a significant role. In particular, however, organic postings are strongly influenced by current trends and new functions.

    The most popular social media platforms for companies in general are Instagram, Facebook, TikTok or YouTube. LinkedIn is also becoming increasingly popular with hotels, especially when it comes to targeting potential employees.


  • In addition to the more known, classical platforms, Pinterest is also ideal for hotels to publish their own content. Contents on Pinterest tend to stay up to date for longer and can be found by users in the long term, which leads to more sustainable visibility. By inserting appropriate links in the description, interested parties can be directed to your own website, which can increase the booking rate.

    Pinterest offers a visually appealing platform, which perfectly fits the presentation of hotels, rooms, amenities and local attractions. Hotels can create inspiring and informative content that appeals to potential guests and encourages sharing. It is important that the descriptions are search engine optimized to maximize discoverability and increase traffic.

Threads from Instagram or X: New Possibilities for Hotels?

  • Threads is a new app from Instagram that has been specifically developed for exchanging text messages. The platform allows users to communicate in real time and organize themselves into thematic threads.

    The platform X, formerly known as Twitter, also offers hotels a platform for fast and direct communication. Through short, concise messages, hotels can share current offers, events and news.

    Both platforms provide hotels an opportunity to communicate with guests in real time, share current offers or post a quick update.

    However, the additional effort in maintaining the platforms should be critically evaluated. The management of Threads or X requires additional resources and strategic planning. Especially on the platform Threads, the reach is still limited, and it is unclear whether the platform will be successful in the long term. Hotels should therefore consider if the potential benefits justify the additional effort or whether other social media channels are better suited to achieve their marketing objectives.

2. Unique Content: Why Exclusive Postings Are Becoming Increasingly Important

The wide selection of social media platforms overwhelms users and hotels alike. It is becoming increasingly important to adapt the published content to the needs of the respective target audience and platform. Innovative, unique and authentic content that offers users a real added value is becoming increasingly important in this context.

For hotels, this means that they need to strategically plan and adapt their content. It is no longer enough to simply post pictures of rooms or facilities. Hotels should tell stories that evoke emotions and emphasize the uniqueness of their brand. This includes providing authentic behind the scenes insights, presenting local attractions and sharing guest experiences.

Hotels need to ensure that their contents are presented optimally on the respective platforms. On Instagram, visually appealing pictures and stories are crucial, whereas detailed instructions or inspiring travel guides are better received on Pinterest.

3. Customized Content and Work Facilitation through Artificial Intelligence (AI)

AI-Tools continue to grow in popularity in 2024 and have now established themselves as an important aid in many businesses. Hotels can benefit from these tools in their own social media strategy in a variety of ways in order to remain competitive in the long term.

An example are writing tools that support hotels in brainstorming and content planning. These programs can not only help with writing texts, but also with searching for suitable hashtags. This enables targeted and efficient creation of social media content.

In this way, AI tools can also help to create an editorial calendar that focuses on seasonal trends, local events and specific target groups. In addition, AI can help determine the best time to post, identify the best formats and topics and maximize reach and engagement rates. Other research tasks, such as identifying potential influencers that match the hotel’s brand identity and have a wide reach in relevant target groups, can also be carried out using AI.

AI-supported image editing programs can also optimize images or automatically generate suitable captions to increase the visual appeal of posts.

Through the targeted use of AI tools, hotels can not only make their social media strategy more efficient, but also create content that really appeals to and engages their guests.

4. Broadcast Channels on Instagram: Direct Communication with the Proper Community

Broadcast Channels on Instagram are a function that allows users to send messages, updates and exclusive content directly to a selected group of followers. These channels work similarly to newsletter, but in real time and on a platform that is already used by many. For hotels, this offers a valuable opportunity to address their target audience directly and personally, share important information and strengthen guest loyalty.

Broadcast channels can be used by hotels in a variety of ways:

  • Exclusive offers and promotions:
    Use the broadcast channels to send special offers, discounts and promotions directly to your followers. This can encourage short-term bookings and increase occupancy.
  • Behind the scenes:
    Give your followers exclusive insights behind the scenes of your hotel. Show the daily routine of the hotel staff, the preparation of events or the progress of renovations. This creates a personal connection, increases engagement and creates a sense of exclusivity.
  • Travel and vacation tips:
    Share useful tips and suggestions for the surrounding of your hotel, such as the best restaurants, places of interest and activities. This offers followers added value and inspires them to choose your hotel for their next stay.
By using broadcast channels, hotels can build a direct and personal communication with their followers. This strengthens guest loyalty, increases the engagement and can ultimately lead to a higher booking rate.

However, Hotels should be aware of the additional effort involved in using broadcast channels on Instagram. Creating and maintaining these channels requires time and resources to produce suitable and relevant content on a regular basis.

5. Search Engine Optimization on Social Media

Search engine optimization (SEO) is a frequently used strategy in online marketing to optimize the own website so that it achieves the highest possible ranking in organic search results. But, in addition to Google, the largest search engines currently include platforms such as YouTube and TikTok.

Social media SEO is therefore becoming more important: Targeted measures such as the optimization of captions and hashtags by adding relevant keywords help hotels to position themselves successfully in search results.

On TikTok, hotels can post short, pleasant videos, with trendy and hotel-relevant hashtags. By using current trends and challenges, hotels can increase their reach and appeal to younger target groups.

The captions and hashtags on Instagram posts and Reels should also be selected carefully to ensure that they contain relevant keywords that are frequently searched for by potential guests.

So-called “pins” on Pinterest should not only be visually appealing, but also contain descriptive texts and keywords that are optimized for search engines. This will increase the chance that pins will appear in the search results of Pinterest or on Google.

6. The Right Video Length of Uploaded Content

Short videos on various platforms continued to increase in popularity in 2024. Hotels can make targeted use of concise “short-form content” to arouse the interest of potential guests. But the trend shows: Longer videos will also become more popular in 2024. In the past, platforms such as Instagram and TikTok have often increased the maximum length of their video formats. Longer videos are ideal for going into more detail about the own concepts and presenting valuable information over a longer period of time. Conclusion: A mix of shorter and longer content is the recipe of success here.

7. Quality Standards and Quality Management in Content Creation

Social media algorithms generally classify profiles as more relevant if they publish regular content. However, the quality of the content should not suffer as a result of a higher posting frequency.

A strategic and clear content strategy plays a fundamental role here. Develop a detailed editorial plan that defines which content should be published when and on which platform. Take into account seasonal topics, local events and special offers from the hotel.

8. Uniform Image Style and Visual Consistency in Photos

A uniform image style and high-quality pictures are crucial for the success in social media marketing for hotels. A consistent presentation creates a professional and recognizable appearance, which strengthens the brand image and addresses potential guests. The use of certain color palettes, filters and layouts make sure that all postings look harmonious and show the hotel from its best side.

High-quality, professionally taken and edited images leave a lasting impression and arouse the interest of the viewer. Emotional and appealing images, such as happy guests, romantic dinners, relaxing spa moments or exciting activities in the surrounding area, speak to guests on a personal level and make the hotel unforgettable. A well-thought-out and uniform image style helps to strengthen trust in the brand and increase booking rates in the long term.

A current trend that will continue to gain popularity in 2024 is “photo dumping”. This involves creating a post with many different pictures on one topic. This specifically helps hotels with storytelling by creating comprehensive visual narrations that hold the viewer’s attention for longer. It allows hotels to showcase different aspects of their offering in a single post, from rooms and facilities to events and local attractions.

Overall, a uniform style and high-quality pictures combined with current photo trends such as “photo dumping” allow hotels to build a strong visual presence on social media and attract potential guests.

9. User-Generated Content: Followers Turn Into Content Creators

User generated content (UGC) means that the creation of some of the content is left to the own followers to actively involve them in the content creation process. This gives the content an additional, authentic component that increases the credibility and attractiveness of the hotel.

Postings of this kind can strengthen the hotel’s reputation, increase brand awareness and raise booking rates in the long term. By guests sharing their experiences and impressions, the hotel is presented from different perspectives, which attracts potential new guests and increases the loyalty of existing ones.

Encourage your guests to share their most beautiful vacation moments in the hotel and to tag the hotel. These photos and videos can then be shared on the official social media channels of the hotel. The use of specific hashtags makes it easier to find user-generated content about the hotel and strengthens the community around the hotel brand.

10. Micro-Influencers: Smaller Range, Greater Effect

The principle of user-generated content can also be extended to influencers in a broader sense. In 2024, the trend has increasingly shifted to so-called “micro-influencers”. Although these influencers have a smaller number of followers, they have more engaged and authentic target groups.

To respective followers, a collaboration with a hotel seems more credible and can be more efficient than a posting with bigger range. Through the collaboration with micro-influencers, hotels can strengthen their brand in a targeted manner, create authentic content and build a deeper connection with potential guests.

11. Hidden Potential: More Followers Through Reels

Instagram and Facebook Reels are an important component in social media marketing for hotels and will continue to be very important in 2024. This video format is particularly interesting when it comes to reaching new followers and, with that, potential guests. The advantage of Reels is that they are not only shown to your own followers, but also other users and can therefore appear in their newsfeed. In addition to reproducing current trends in the video itself, you can work with well-known music sections to increase visibility and reach new users in a targeted manner.

Room tours and hotel tours are particularly suitable for showing the highlights and special features that make a hotel unique. Behind-the-scenes insights give potential guests a look behind the scenes and thus create proximity to the hotel. Short videos about local attractions, landmarks etc. can inspire potential guests and give them an impression of what they can experience during their stay. Through the targeted use of Reels, hotels can therefore expand their reach, gain new followers and increase interaction on their social media channels. This leads to a stronger online presence and can ultimately increase booking rates.

Practical tip:

To reduce the effort involved in reel creation, hotels can use reel templates from Instagram. These are ideal for the quick and easy creation of Reels, as they offer ready-made layouts and music options that help to produce appealing and trendy content.


The first half-year of 2024 has shown how dynamic and diverse the social media landscape is and how many opportunities it offers for hotels. From the use of AI tools to social media SEO and user-generated content - hotels need to constantly stay up-to-date in order to adapt to rapidly changing trends.

A well-balanced mix of organic posts and social media advertising (SMA) forms the basis of a successful social media strategy for hotels. High-quality and consistent content, characterized by uniform image styles and emotional narratives, are essential for strengthening the brand identity.

New platforms and functions such as Threads, X (formerly Twitter) or Instagram broadcast channels offer new innovative possibilites to communicate directly and in real time with the ideal guests. However, hotels should carefully consider the additional effort that these strategies require and ensure that the resources invested bring the desired results.

The most important change in hotel marketing in 2024 is the reinforced use of artificial intelligence. The integration of AI tools can make content planning and creation more efficient, increase the findability of content and make dealing with social networks considerably easier.

The numerous new possibilities in social media marketing enable hotels to strengthen guest loyalty in a targeted matter, which has a positive effect on the overall success of the hotel business. Authentic content with added value ensures more prospects in the long term, and therefore more inquiries and bookings for your hotel.